Saturday 12 December 2009

Manga: Professor Munakata’s British Museum Adventure

Date: current - 3 January 2010
Venue: British Museum (Room 3) Great Russell Street, London

Come and see an exclusive new manga by Hoshino Yukinobu at the British Museum. Manga is a Japanese comic book art form which has become an international phenomenon in recent years.
Manga are cheaply produced illustrated books, sometimes as long as a novel and read back to front (i.e. the opposite to the way English is written). Many different audiences read manga, and there are different manga for both children and adults.
Hoshino Yukinobu (b. 1954) is a world-famous manga artist. One of his most popular characters is Professor Munakata who investigates history and folklore in his manga adventures. In this display, you can see original artwork by Hoshino, including drawings showing the start of Professor Munakata’s new adventure set at the British Museum.
Step into a life-sized manga with Hoshino’s comic-book creations filling the walls and floor of Room 3. You can also browse a selection of Japanese manga books in the small manga kissa (literally ‘manga coffee shop’ – although coffee will not be available) in the corner of the room – a perfect way to discover more about the art of manga.

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