Friday, 9 January 2009

Japanese Language Classes (Upper-Intermediate Level)

Date: Thursday, 15th January - 19th March 2009 (10 weeks), 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Venue: Japan Local Government Centre, 15 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2DD
Feee: £50 for 10 weeks Priority given to Japan Society and JET AA members

The Japan Society and the Japan Local Government Centre offer members of the Japan Society and JET AA the chance to develop their language skills on this new course. Classes will be conducted by teachers from the SOAS Japanese Teacher Training programme.

This course builds on the intermediate level courses run in summer and autumn 2008. Some knowledge of respect language will be assumed as will the ability to read kana easily and familiarity with approximately 300 Kanji.

A level assessment test will be sent to give you an indication of the general level of Japanese required. Each lesson will last for 90 minutes. On alternate weeks, a guest from the Japanese community in London will be invited to speak to students in Japanese about their work. An informal discussion will then continue in the next door pub.

Participants will thus have the opportunity to put into practice immediately the things they have been studying and at the same time will gain useful insights into the Japanese business and cultural communities in the UK.

There are just 12 places and priority will be given to those who completed the courses in summer and autumn 2008. After 10th December, remaining places will be allocated to new applicants.

To reserve your place please contact the Japan Society on tel: 020 7828 6330 or email:

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