Saturday, 25 October 2008

The Discovery of the World-A Korean Perspective: Lecture by Dr. RA Jong-yil, Former Ambassador of Korea to UK

The lecturer is former Ambassador of Korea to UK, Dr RA Jong-yil who is currently the president of Woosuk University.

Lecture Title: The Discovery of the World-A Korean Perspective
Date & Time: 3rd November 2008, 15:00-16:00
Venue: Multi-purpose Hall at KCCUK
Lecturer: Dr RA Jong-yil (former ROK Ambassador to the UK)

Ambassador RA Jong-yil has had a long and distinguished career in public service and academia. A graduate of Seoul National University(from which he received his BA and MA degrees) he also holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Cambridge University. His early career was as a Professor of Political Science at Kyung Hee University in South Korea. From 1996 to 1998, he played a key role in the first peaceful change of government through electoral process in Korea and served as the Director of Administration in the KIM Dae-jung Presidential Transition Committee. During President Kim’s time in office, Dr RA served as both the First and Second Director of the Republic of Korea’s National intelligence Service. During the administration of President ROH Moo-hyun, he also served as Senior Advisor to the president on National Security. Dr RA has also held a number of very senior diplomatic postings, serving from 2001 to 2003 as ROK Ambassador to the United Kingdom and from 2004 to 2007 to ROK Ambassador to Japan. Dr RA has published widely on a range of subjects, including political theory, cultural politics in Northeast Asia, Cold War issues, and on the politics and governance of North Korea. He is currently the President of Woosuk University.

Lecturer Profile
1963 B.A. in Political Science, Seoul National University

1965 M.A. in Political Science, Seoul National University

1972 Ph.D. in Political Science, Trinity College, Cambridge University, UK
1972- Professor of Political Science and Diplomacy, Kyung Hee University

1981-1983 Fellow Commoner at Churchill College, Cambridge University

1988-1993 Dean of the Graduate School of Political Science and Economics Kyung Hee University

1994-1998 Chairman of the Korean Association for European Studies

1998-1999 First Director, National Intelligence Service
2000-2001 Special Advisor to Director of National Intelligence Service for Diplomacy andUnification Affairs

2001-2003 Ambassador to the United Kingdom

2003-2004 Senior Advisor to the President for National Security

2004-2007 Ambassador to Japan

2007- Present President, Woosuk University

※ Advance booking required. For booking enquiries, please use the following details:

Korean Cultural Centre UKGround FloorGrand Buildings1-3 StrandLondon WC2N 5BW
Tel: +44 (0)20 7004 2600

Discover Korean Food #2: Dr. Sook-Ja Yoon's Hobakjuk (THE EAST Campaign in Association with The Institute of Traditional Korean Food)

Hobakjuk is a porridge of boiled and sieved pumpkin, sweet red beans, soybean and rice cake balls. Hobakjuk is a typical Korean porridge; it stimulates the appetite with its sweetness and tender color. Hobakjuk is low calories and a good diet food.

◎ Ingredients & Quantity
* 700 g (½ ea) sweet pumpkin, 1 kg (5 cups) steaming water
* 400 g (2 cups) side water
* 25 g red bean, 200 g (1 cup) scalding water, 800 g (4 cups) boiling water
* 15 g kidney bean, 800 g (4 cups) water
* 100 g (1 cup) glutinous rice powder, 150 g (¾ cups) water
* Rice cake ball dough : 75 g (¾ cups) glutinous rice powder, 0.5 g (⅛ tsp) salt, 20 g (1⅓ tbsp) water
* 500 g (2½ cups) water, 36 g (3 tbsp) sugar, 4 g (1 tsp) salt

◎ Preparation
1. Wash and clean the sweet pumpkin, halve the pumpkin, scrape inside stuffs out. (600 g)
2. Mix glutinous rice powder with water uniformly.

◎ Recipe
1. Pour water in the pot and heat it up for 5 min. on high heat. When it boils, put the sweet pumpkin, steam for 15 min.
2. Scrape the flesh out (420 g), grind it finely in a mixer with water for 2 min.
3. Put the scalding water and red bean in the pot and heat it up for 5 min. on high heat. When it boils, discard the water, add new boiling water. Boil it for 20 min. on medium heat. Reduce the heat to low, boil it for 20 min. more(42 g).
4. Put water and kidney beans in the pot and boil it on high heat for 5 min. Reduce the heat to medium and boil it for 30 min(28 g).
5. Sprinkle salt to the glutinous rice powder and knead with hot water. Shape rice cake ball into 1.5 cm-diameter (around 4~5 g of weight)(20 balls).
6. Put the ground sweet pumpkin and water in the pot. Heat it up for 10 min. on high heat. When it boils, reduce the heat to medium, add the mixture of rice powder and water. Boil it for 5 min. with stirring not to be lumped.
7. When it boils, reduce the heat to low, cover the lid on to be steamed. Boil it for 20 min. with stirring occasionally. Add the red bean and kidney bean. When it boils, add rice cake balls and boil it for 5 min. on medium heat.
8. When the porridge is well-done, season with sugar and salt. Bring it to a boil once more.
·Mixing ratio of pumpkin and glutinous rice powder may be varied upon taste.
·Rice cake balls may be eliminated upon taste.

Yi(Lee), Chuljin, a Korean Traditional Dancer

Yi(Lee), Chuljin graduated from Seoul Institute of Arts. He completed M.A. degree with the thesis “A Study on the Qualitative Experiences of Korean Traditional Dances: a Phenomenological Analysis” and acquired Ph.D. degree with his dissertation titled “An Analysis on Salpuri Dance in Han, Yeongsuk’s Style: Based on Methodology in the Book of Changes and Palgwae(8 Signs of Devination)”, from Myung-Ji University in Korea. Especially, he proposed a new methodology for interpreting Korean traditional dances with unique views for movements of Korean dances in his dissertation.
He had been taught Seung Mu, the 27th Korean Important Intangible Cultural Asset, from Lee Aejoo and Gyung-gi Dodang-gut, a sort of Korean Shamanic ritual that contains various artistic dance sequences, the 98th Korean Important Intangible Cultural Asset, from Oh, Soobok. Finally, in 2003 he became an inheritor of Korean Important Intangible Cultural Asset specialized in Dodang dance, a type of Gyung-gi Dodang-gut. He has given 15 personal performances after his first performance, “Yi Chuljin’s Traditional Dances” in 1998.
Generally speaking, there are 4 types of traditional dances in Korea. Firstly, it is Gungjung-chum, which is the court dance performed in the royal palace. The next one is Minsok-chum, which means folk dances enjoyed by ordinary people. The third category is Yein-chum which has been developed by dance masters. The last category is Euisik-chum, dances for special religious seremonies. Further, Yein-chum consists of three kinds according to its origin, that is, Gibang, Jaein and Musok. The Korean traditional dances shown by Yi, Chuljin originated from Jaein with a clear genealogy from Han, Sungjun to him. In this point of view, Korean traditional dances of Yi Chuljin have distinctive characteristics as follows;
Firstly, he have learnt dances such as Seungmu and Salpuri from one master for a long time while other dancers have been taught different dances from different mentors to make their own dance styles. As a result, his dances preserve the traditional values of Korean traditional dances from modernization and alternation. In addition, there are unique features representing Han, Young-sook’s dance styles in his dances.

Secondly, as he has taught himself for a long time with his brilliant educational backgrounds from Lee Aejoo and Oh, Soobok he has built a unique view for interpreting Korean traditional dances. Especially, instead of the existing assertions which interpret Korean traditional dances in the automatic, practical viewpoints, he has paid attention to environments which make Korean traditional dances be generated. In other words, he is interpreting traditional Korean dances as a whole with serious considerations of their characteristic movement patterns.
Finally, one of the distinctive features in his Seungmu is that his dances are masculine styles with powerful movements. Nowadays most of Korean traditional dancers are presenting feminine and technical styles of dances in their performances. This phenomenon indicates that modern Korean traditional dances have been strongly affected by Gibang –chum style that belongs to Yein-chum category. However, his Seungmu is presenting traditional movements of Jaein style with manly and dynamic traits, which would be a key to understand a unique feature of Korean traditional dances. In addition, this characteristic distinguishes his dances from others'.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Korean Film Festival 2008

It has been incredibly successful over the last two years attracting people all over the UK who are keen to watch some Korean cinema. Since the festival met unprecedented success at the Barbican Centre last year, it made perfect sense to return to this world -class venue situated in the heart of London.

The festival kicks off with a big bang with Kim Ji-woon’s (The Tale of Two Sisters, A Bittersweet Life) latest The Good, The Bad, The Weird being screened and Kim Ji-woon will be present for to introduce the film. There are also other recent films on show including the big hits, Public Enemy Returns and Forever The Moment – both of which are UK premieres. It wouldn’t be a Korean Film Festival without some rare classics, so Korean Film 08 is a unique opportunity to watch some of the greatest Korean films of all time - The Housemaid and The Aimless Bullett (Olbaton). And it doesn’t stop there! There is also a Lee Chang-dong retrospective with rare access to all his films and finally, but by no means least, there are some of the best Korean animations on show including Aachi & Sspak.

Like last year the Korean Film Festival also goes on the move; the festival moves from London to Liverpool – The European Capital of Culture 2008 - on 13 November for 3 days of screenings, which includes The Good, The Bad, The Weird and Seven Days. This has only been made possible with the help of FACT (Foundation of ART & Creative Technology) who have a superb venue in the heart of Liverpool.

For more information please visit:

(Korean Film '08) London Barbican, Liverpool FACT 영화제

□ 일 시 : 2008년 11월 6일 ~ 15일 (총 10일)
□ 장 소: Barbican Centre, London (11/6 ~ 11/12)
FACT, Liverpool (11/13 ~ 11/15)
□ 주 최 : 문화체육관광부
□ 주 관 : 주영국대한민국대사관, 한국문화콘텐트진흥원
□ 후 원 : 한국영화진흥위원회
□ 영화제 기획 및 담당자 : 전혜정 (

문화체육관광부가 주최하고 주영국대한민국대사관 (대사 천영우)과 한국문화콘텐츠진흥원(원장 고석만)이 공동 주관하는 한국영화제 ‘Korean Film 08'이 오는 11월 6일부터 11월 15일까지 영국 런던, 리버풀 2개 도시에서 개최된다.

제 3회 런던 한국영화제 는 2008년 11월 6일 ~ 15일 (10일간) 한국 극영화 10편, 고전영화 2편, 애니메이션 3편 등 총 15편을 초청하여 유럽 최고 예술기관인 바비칸 센터 외 리버풀 FACT 등 2개 도시 순회로 총 19 회 상영을 통하여 다양한 한국영화를 소개한다.

영화제 개막작으로 초청된 김지운 감독의 <놈놈놈>이 오프닝 갈라/Special Preview로 상영되며, 감독과 배우들의 무대인사 및 Q&A도 함께 진행된다. 아시아영화 분석과 비평의 권위자인 영화평론가 Tony Raynes의 사회로 진행되는 이창동 감독 회고전 (Lee Chang-Dong Retorspective), 애니메이션 상영과 함께 진행되는 Family Animation Day등 2008년 한국내 최신개봉작과 고전영화, 독립영화 등 다양한 장르의 영화상영 및 부대행사가 런던 바비칸 센터 시네마 1, 2, 3에서 열린다. 금번 바비칸에서 개최되는 런던한국영화제에는 <놈놈놈>을 연출한 김지운 감독, 주인공으로 출연한 인기배우 이병헌과 정우성이 영국에 방한하여 영국내 한류를 전파하는데 전도사 역할을 하게 된다.런던에 이어 리버풀에서도 3편의 영화가 상영되며, 영화제에 따른 부대행사도 진행될 예정이다.

그 외 2008년 유럽문화 수도로 선정되어 각국 문화행사가 연중 개최되고 있는 리버풀 도시의 ‘FACT’ 상영관에서는 <놈놈놈>, <밀양>, <세븐데이즈>등 총 3편의 우리극영화가 소개된다. 런던이외 영국의 지방 도시에 까지 한국영화의 우수성을 알리기 위한 지방순회영화제는 영국 전역에 한국영화를 점진적으로 소개하는 등 장기적인 효과가 있을 것으로 기대된다.

- 웹사이트:
- 티켓예매:

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Job Vacancy

PA/Secretary, Political Section, Embassy of Japan

Reporting to:
Diplomats of all levels within the Political Section.

Main Duties:
Arranging meetings for diplomats and visiting delegations from Japan.
Preparing daily newspaper briefings on world affairs, general administrative duties such as handling correspondence and maintaining contact databases.
Undertaking ad hoc research as directed by diplomats on matters of political importance.
Attending occasional external meetings and lectures taking notes and producing reports.

Person Specification/Skills:
The applicant should have native level written and spoken English.
A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office is essential, as is the ability to research effectively and efficiently on the internet.
The applicant should ideally have some experience of living or working in either Japan or a Japanese environment. Additionally, some knowledge of Japanese language and culture is desirable, but not essential.

Employment Status:
Full Time / Permanent
Working Hours: 9:30 -18:00 (Monday to Friday) one hour for lunch between 13:00 - 14:00
Salary: £18-20k annually (all inclusive, except occasional overtime)
Paid Holiday: 17 days (calendar year, except probationary period), several Japanese Holidays and All UK Public Holidays

All applicants must have the legal right to work in the UK in accordance with the Immigration Act. All applicants must state in their application that this right is obtained through citizenship, permanent residency or a work permit. Applicants not providing this information will not be considered for employment. Short-listed applicants will be asked to provide, prior to interview, documentation which certifies their legal right to work in the UK. The employee shall serve a probation period of three months.

Application: Applicants should submit a current CV, with a covering letter including details of your current salary, a daytime telephone number and e-mail address by post or by e-mail.

The closing date for applications:
5th November, 2008

Send applications to:
Ms. Yoko InouePolitical Section, Embassy of Japan, 101-104 Piccadilly, London W1J 7JT
020 7465 6726

Hong Sungyop Ah-Q

Date: Tuesday 04 November 2008
Time: 7:30pm (70min without intermission)
Venue: Bonnie Bird Theatre, LABAN, Creekside, London SE8 3DZ
Tickets : £15 / £10 (concessions)
Box Office 0208 469 9500 / Book online (via Greenwich Theatre)

Produced by Dance Theatre ON(co-production LG Arts Center)
Supported by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism / Korean Cultural Centre UK
Managed by KCPA

If a blossom of passion blooms on my tired back,
Would they say my back is miserable?
Would they say the blossom is ugly?
If the bloom dries out;
And red buds rise on the branch,
Would we remember?
That a scattered breath was hidden under the old branch...

Uma Shankari, The Business Time, Singapore
Foolishness, ignorance portrayed in dance: South Korea offering Ah Q examines the universal themes through a series of riveting dance sketches

Tara Tan, The Strait Times, Singapore
Ah Q, arts festival offering from Korea, proved to be an unexpected gem. The work explored the universal themes of foolishness and ignorance with a series of startling-yet aesthetically pleasing-vignettes that looked unflinchingly at the consequences of such folly.

■ Ah-Q ■
Choreographer HONG Sung-yop’s Ah Q, which reveals both of the popularity and artistry by showing critical mind of the moderners with a fine sense of humour and various ways of expression, has been invited to Singapore Arts Festival in 2008 and drawn enthusiastic applause. Ah Q is motivated by of the "True Story of Ah Q(阿Q正傳)" of the Chinese writer ‘Lu Xun(魯迅)’. To express ‘silliness’, the theme of Ah Q, HONG Sung-yop used a variety of items such as flowers, knives and peaked hats. His unique and witty ideas will be transferred to a symbol of human existence by refined movements of the dancers. The audience can enjoy the pleasure of sympathy and speculation as well as visual delight.

The "True Story of Ah Q(阿Q正傳)", describing tragic life of the main character ‘Ah Q’, who is a victim of the power and maneuver, is the work of ‘Lu Xun(魯迅)’, who is called the father of Chinese contemporary literature. ‘Ah Q’, as a day labourer, is extremely incapable and silly, but has much self-respect. He thinks he won against people who insulted him by his own way to victory, ‘mental triumph’. In the confusion of Chinese Revolution, ‘Ah Q’ tries to behave cunningly, but he is swept in other people’s opinion not knowing anything about the ideology and the current of the revolution and shot to death in the end.

Chinese master writer ‘Lu Xun(魯迅)’ has lived only for 56 years, but his strong spirit as author and philosopher shook and moved China and the world. He wrote "The True Story of Ah Q(阿Q正傳)" to bring attention to the people who were living in a hopeless life in the turbulent period. He frankly revealed the picture of Chinese people of the period without hiding anything. Therefore, when his work was published in China, it aroused so many people’s sympathy making them think themselves as ‘Ah Q’. The main character ‘Ah Q’ represents the people who have lived in the chaos, but we also find him around ourselves in the present.

Choreographer / Hong Sungyop
Music composer / Kim Taekn
Set designer / Eom Jin Seon
Set designer assistant / Eom Sung Hun
Light designer / Shin Seong Hwan
Light designer assistant / Kim Yoon Joo
Costume designer / Hong Sungyop, Son Hye Ryun
Stage designer / Kang Hee Soon
Coordinator/ Kang Da Hae

Lee Kwong Suk, Kim Yong Hwa, Bae Hae Won, Yoon Hye Jung, Song Bo Kyung, Choi Min Sun, Park Ji Wun, Lee Jae Sun, Kang Jinan, Lee So Jin, Shin Soon Young,
Lim Jin Ho, Ji Kyung Min

■ Dance Theatre ON ■
Dance Theatre ON, currently the most widely recognised modern dance company in Korea, was founded in 1993 by Hong Sungyop, a choreographer who has expertise and experience in classical ballet and modern dance. Since it first presented its founding performance at Seoul Art Center in 1994, it has consistently released new choreographies. With its first international performance in September 2000(the 9th France Lyon Dance Biennale), it has been globally spot-lighted. Until today, it has regularly performed around the world, including Denmark(2003), Finland(2003), Canada(2005), Germany(Frankfurt Book Fair, 2005), Spain(Asian Dance Festival, 2006), U.S. A.P.A.P(New York Association of Performing Arts Presenters, 2007), Japan(Institute Women’s College Performing Arts Festival, 2007), and Singapore(Singapore Arts Festival, 2008).

Dance Theatre ON’s serious effort to bring art closer to the public through artistic performances has been welcomed by many critics and audiences. Some of its highly artistic performances that express the multi-level conflicts of mankind have been evaluated as being [abstracted, modern art of sophistication], [logic outside logic; poetic language of choreography], [genius of ideas], [comprehensive composition of stage space], and [a catalyst of change preserving the unique formation and analytical frame of Western dance, yet adding innovation in between movements].

■ Choreographer_ Hong Sungyop ■
Hong Sungyop, the philosopher of dance and magician of movements, is known for his innovative ideas and modern expression of human introversion. He is also acclaimed to be the genius of unique movements and ensembles or the arbitrator of delicate movements.

His reputation has been proven by the compliments he received with [Moon-looking Dog] and [Deja Vu] at France Lyon Dance Biennale in 2000 and the award he was bestowed with at the 2nd Korea-France Cultural Awards. His performances were highly praised by the local media and tickets to all of the five shows were completely sold out. With his successful debut in Europe, Hong Sungyop opened a new era in the field of dancing in Korea. Lyon Dance Biennale’s Artistic Director, Guy Darmet likened him to William Forsythe from Asia and asked him to join their production (Deja Vu).

Hong Sungyop and Dance Theatre On have been regarded as the most innovative and best Contemporary Choreographer and Dance Company in Korea.

■ Works of Hong Sungyop ■
" Horn" [co-production, LG Arts Center](2008)
" Ah-Q" [co-production, LG Arts Center](2006)
"Cyfrica" (2004)
"Mosaic" (2004)
"Shadow Cafe" [co-production, LG Arts Center] (2003)
"Shadows More Than Two" [co-production, LG Arts Center]" (2003)
"Red Buddha" [co-production, LG Arts Center] (2001)
"Deja vu" [co-production, Lyon Dance Biennale] (2000)
"Moon-Looking Dog" (1999)
"The Blood in Horses' Eyes..." (1999)
"The 5th Character" (1998)
"The Snow-White" (1997)
"He is numbering again" (1997)
"Mountain Passing Backward" (1996)
"The Monkey in Blue Shirts" (1996)
"Faunus' Pendulum" (1995)
"Scamper of 13 Kids" (1995)
"The Grave Faraway"
"The Dream of Old Man, Mr. Kim" (1994)
"The Third Question of the Speechless Word" (1994)

Dance Theatre ON(person in charge Kang Dahae)
Tel : 82-2-3436-9048 Fax : 82-2-3436-9018
E-mail :
Website :
Add: Step B/D B1F, 115-12, Jungkok-4dong, Kwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea

Liverpool: European Capital of Culture 08 'LIVE FROM KOREA'

Established in 1998, Liverpool Biennial is the UK’s largest and most widely reviewed festival. Celebrating the tenth anniversary of its foundation by James Moores, the fifth edition of Liverpool Biennial will be even more impressive in scale and ambition than its predecessors, and a key event in Liverpool’s year as European Capital of Culture 2008. Consisting of around 40 new projects by leading and emerging international artists – principally new commissions alongside a few works previously unseen in the UK - MADE UP will be presented across multiple venues: Tate Liverpool, the Bluecoat, FACT (Foundation for Art & Creative Technology) and Open Eye, with half the exhibition sited in public spaces across the city. The curators for MADE UP are drawn from each of the partner venues and led by Liverpool Biennial Artistic Director, Lewis Biggs. Liverpool Biennial continues to place an emphasis on commissioning new work from leading and emerging international artists. Korean programmes in the 2008 Liverpool Biennial festival will be:
* Dulsori
* Universial Taekwondo Federation (venue: CUC Wake Theatre, Friday 14th Nov 2008, 6pm)
* Korean Film Festival 08 - 2008 (venue: Fact)- The Good, the Bad, the Weird (Thursday 13th Nov 2008, 6pm)- Seven Days (Friday 14th Nov 2008, 6pm)- Secret Sunshine (Saturday 15th Nov 2008, 3.30pm)
* Noodle Bar (venue: Static Gallery, Thursday 13th Nov 2008, 1pm)
* Liverpool Biennial 2008 U-ram Choe’s Exhibition (Venue: Fact, Thursday 13th Nov 2008, 3.30pm)
* All Events are Free Admission

홍승엽의 <댄스 씨어터 온>

일자: 2008년 11월 4일 (화)
시간: 저녁 7시 30분 (70분 공연)
장소: Bonnie Bird Theatre, LABAN, Creekside, London SE8 3DZ
티켓 : £15 / £10 (학생 할인)
Box Office 0208 469 9500 / Book online (via Greenwich Theatre)

주최: 댄스씨어터 온(공동제작: 엘지아트센터)
후원: 문화체육관광부, 주영한국문화원
기획: KCPA

작품성과 예술성을 인정받으며 세계적 무용단체로 비상하는 홍승엽의 댄스씨어터 온이 2008 싱가폴 아츠 페스티벌 초청작 <아큐(Ah-Q)>로 안무의 시적 율동언어를 풀어냅니다.
라반(Laban)의 보니버드(Bonnie Bird)극장에서 펼쳐질 추상화된 감각적 세련미의 세계로 여러분을 초대합니다.

골 패인 내 등허리에
뜨거운 꽃이 피면 그 등을 미련타 할까?
그 꽃을 밉다고 할까?
마른 꽃 딱지 지고
무딘 가지에 붉은 꽃가루 피면
그때는 기억할까?
등 굽은 가지 아래 흩어진 숨 하나 있었다는 것을...

Uma Shankari, The Business Time, Singapore
댄스로 묘사한 어리석음과 무지: 매혹적인 댄스 소묘 시리즈를 통해 보편적인 주제를 시험하는 한국의 아큐
Tara Tan, The Strait Times, Singapore
한국이 선보이는 아트 페스티벌 <아큐>는 뜻밖의 보석이었다. 이 작업은 어리석음의 결과를 집요하게 파고드는 놀라우면서도 미학적으로 유쾌한 스케치를 통해 어리석음과 무지라는 보편적인 주제를 탐구했다.

■ 아큐 ■
현대인들의 문제의식을 뛰어난 유머감각과 다양한 표현양식으로 세련되게 풀어내며 대중성과 예술성을 고루 갖춘 안무가 홍승엽의 작품 <아큐>는 2008년 싱가폴 아츠 페스티벌에(Singapore Arts Festival) 초청되어 현지의 호응을 얻은바 있다. <아큐(Ah-Q)>는 중국작가 노신의 <아큐정전>에서 모티브를 얻었다. 이 작품의 주제인 '어리석음'을 표현하기 위해 꽃, 칼, 고깔 등의 다양한 소품을 활용한 홍승엽 특유의 재치있는 아이디어는 무용수들의 세련된 움직임으로 인간 존재에 관한 이미지를 유쾌하면서도 상징적으로 풀어갈 것이다. 관객들은 시각적 즐거움뿐 아니라 공감과 사유의 유쾌함을 만끽할 것이다.

<아큐정전(阿Q正傳, The True Story of Ah Q)>은 권력과 술수에 희생되는 주인공 ‘아큐’의 비극적인 인생을 그린 작품으로 중국 현대문학의 아버지로 불리는 루쉰 Lu Xun, 魯迅, 1881~1936)의 작품이다. ‘아큐’는 날품팔이꾼으로 지극히 무능하고 우매하지만 자존심은 강한 성격이다. 그는 자신에게 가해지는 모욕을 소위 ‘정신적 승리법’ 이라는 것으로 이겨 나간다. 중국의 근대화를 가져오는 신해혁명의 혼란 속에서 그 혁명의 이념과 흐름에는 무지한 채 줏대 없이 타인의 의견에 따라 휩쓸리며 단지 힘을 쓸 수 있다는 것으로 약삭빠르게 처신하려 하지만, 그의 무지와 급한 성격으로 인해 결국 총살당하고 만다.

중국의 문호 루쉰은 56년의 짧은 삶을 살았지만 작가 그리고 사상가로서 그의 강인한 정신력은 중국과 세계를 뒤흔들고 감동시켰다. 그는 혼란한 사회 속에서 희망 없이 살아가는 민중의 정신을 일깨우기 위해 <아큐정전>을 썼다. 이 작품에는 중국 민중의 모습이 잔인할 정도로 숨김없이 드러나 있다. 그래서 이 작품이 중국에 발표되었을 당시 많은 사람들이 “혹시 내가 ‘아큐’가 아닐까?”라고 할 정도로 큰 공감을 불러 일으켰다고 한다. 주인공 ‘아큐’는 어려운 시대를 살아간 민중을 대표하는 인물이지만, 바로 오늘을 살고 있는 ‘나’와 ‘우리’ 자신의 모습에서도 찾아볼 수 있다.

무대미술/엄진선, 엄성훈
조명디자인/신성환, 김윤주
의상디자인/홍승엽, 손혜련
행정/ 강다해

이광석, 김용화, 배혜원, 윤혜정, 송보경, 최민선, 박지은, 이재선, 강진안, 이소진, 신순영, 지경민, 임진호

■ 댄스 씨어터 온 ■
댄스씨어터 온은 1993년 클래식 발레와 현대무용기법을 두루 익힌 안무가 홍승엽 의해 창단되어 1994년 창단공연 이후 꾸준히 신작을 발표해 오고 있다. 인간 내면의 다중적인 갈등구조를 다룬 진지하면서도 예술성 넘치는 일련의 작품들은 ‘추상화된 현대적 감각의 세련미’,‘비논리적인 논리’,‘안무의 시적 율동언어’,’무대공간의 복합적 구성’ 등의 평가를 받고 있다.

2000년 9월 (제9회 프랑스 리옹 댄스 비엔날레) 초청공연을 시작으로 세계적인 단체로 주목 받으며, 그 후 덴마크(2003), 핀란드(2003), 캐나다(2005), 독일(프랑크푸르트 도서전 초청공연,2005), 스페인(아시안 댄스 페스티벌 초청공연,2006), 미국(뉴욕 APAP_Association of Performing Arts Presenters 초청공연,2007), 일본(동경 학습원 여자대학 연극제 초청공연,2007), 그리고 싱가폴 아츠 페스티벌 초청공연(2008.6) 등 세계무대에서 인정받은 작품성으로 활발한 세계무대 진출을 이루며 한국문화의 우수성을 세계에 알리고 우리나라의 무용단체가 세계무대로 나아가는 본보기가 되고 있다.

안무가로서 여러 차례 수상경력을 가지고 있으며, 2003년 <프로들이 선정한 우리분야 최고>에서 한국의 "최고의 현대무용가"에 선정되었고, 2005년 홍승엽은 “최고의 현대무용가”에, 댄스씨어터 온은 “최고의 현대무용단”에 선정되어 자타가 공인하는 한국 최고의 현대무용단임을 확인하는 계기가 되었다.

■ 안무가-홍승엽■
춤의 철학자, 움직임의 마술사-안무가 홍승엽

1962년 대구에서 출생한 홍승엽은 경희대학교 섬유공학과 2학년 때부터 현대무용을 시작했다. 졸업 후 동 대학원 무용학과에 입학, 1988년 무용학 석사학위를 취득했다. 그는 1984년 현대무용을 전공한지 2년 만에 대한미국의 무용계에서 최고권위의 <동아무용콩쿠르(제14회)>에서 대상을 수상하였다. 1986년에는 제8회 <대한민국무용제>에서 연기상을 수상하였다. 1990년부터 3년간 유니버설 발레단 단원으로 활동하였다. 제18회 서울국제무용제에서 '안무가상', 1996년‘문학의 해’에 선정한 '가장 문학적인 현대무용가'상, 1999년 제10회 일본 사이타마 국제콩쿠르에서 '특별상'과 제21회 서울무용제 '안무상'을 수상하였다. 또한 ' 프로가 선정한 우리분야 최고' 부문에서 2003년과 2005년 두 차례에 걸쳐 최고의 현대무용가에 선정되었다.

홍승엽은 1993년 <댄스씨어터 온>을 창단하여 예술감독과 안무가, 무용수로서 주목 받는 여러 작품들을 발표해오고 있다. 기발한 아이디어, 모던하면서도 우리 내면의 독창적인 색깔을 그려내는 홍승엽은 독창적인 움직임과 앙상블의 귀재, 치밀한 동작의 조율사 라는 평가를 받고 있으며, 이러한 평가는 2000년 프랑스 리옹 비엔날레 초청공연 <달보는개(Moon-looking Dog)>, <데자뷔(Deja Vu)>에서 받은 극찬과 5회 전석 매진이라는 기록과 함께 이를 계기로 '한불문화상' 수상을 통해 입증되었다. 리옹 댄스 비엔날레의 예술감독 기 다르메(Guy Darmet)는 그를 가리켜 동양에서 온 윌리엄 포사이드(William Forsythe)라 평가하며 작품의 공동제작을 의뢰하였다.

■ 주요 작품 ■
"뿔 (Horn)" [LG아트센터 공동제작](2008)
"아큐 (Ah Q)" [LG아트센터 공동제작](2006)
"싸이프리카 (Cyfrica)"(2004)
"모자이크 (Mosaic)" (2004)
"섀도우카페 (Shadow Cafe)"[LG아트센터 공동제작](2003)
"두 개보다 많은 그림자 (Shadows More Than Two)[LG아트센터 공동제작]" (2003)
"빨간 부처 (Red Buddha)"[LG아트센터 공동제작] (2001)
"데자뷔 (Deja vu)"[리옹 댄스 비엔날레 & 댄스씨어터 온 합작](2000)
"달 보는 개 (Moon-Looking Dog)"(1999)
"말들의 눈에는 피가... (The Blood in Horses' Eyes...)"(1999)
"다섯 번째 배역 (The 5th Character)"(1998)
"백설공주 (The Snow-White)"(1997)
"그가 또 수를 세고 있다 (He is numbering again.)"(1997)
"뒤로 가는 산 (Mountain Passing Backward)"(1996)
"파란 옷을 입은 원숭이 (The Monkey in Blue Shirts)"(1996)
"파우누스의 추 (Faunus' Pendulum)"(1995)
"13 아해의 질주 (Scamper of 13 Kids)"(1995)
"멀리 있는 무덤 (The Grave Faraway)"
"김 노인의 꿈 (The Dream of Old Man, Mr. Kim)"(1994)
"말하지 않는 말의 세 번째 질문(The Third Question of the Speechless Word)"(1994)

댄스씨어터 온(담당자 강다해)
전화: 82-2-3236-9048 팩스: 82-2-3436-9018
이메일: 홈페이지:
주소: 서울시 광진구 중곡4동 115-12 스텝빌딩 지하1층

Saturday, 18 October 2008

2009 March EPIK (Teach English Program in Korea) Application

- 2009 March EPIK (Teach English Programme in Korea) -

EPIK, English Program in Korea, sponsored by the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, invites responsible, enthusiastic native English speakers to build a professional teaching career while sharing knowledge and culture with students and teachers in Korea. Successful applicants will be required to conduct English conversation classes for Korean primary and secondary school students as part of the Korean government's aim to promote and strengthen English language education. A candidate should have a strong sense of creativity and motivation as well as enjoy working with young children as part of an academic team. Successful applicants are expected to focus on the development of oral communication skills using interactive teaching methods.

* Positions : 603 teachers for March 2009 placement Remuneration

Level 1+ : 2.5 ~ 2.7 million won per month
Level 1 : 2.3 ~ 2.5 million won per month
Level 2+: 2.1 ~ 2.3 million won per month
Level 2 : 2.0 ~ 2.2 million won per month
Level 3 : 1.8 ~ 2.1 million won per month
Level 4 : 1.5 ~ 1.7 million won per month

* 2008 average exchange rate 1$ = about 1,000 won, subject to change depending on current exchange rate.

* Hours : 8 Hours per day, 5 days per week

*Total instructional hours will not exceed 22 hours per week

* Benefits

- Single housing provided- Settlement allowance
- Airfare Reimbursement to and from Korea
- Severance pay- Paid vacation for 14 work days
- 50% of medical insurance and pension
- Tax Exemption
- Provincial allowance, special rural allowance, etc.

* Contract Period : February 26, 2009 - February 25, 2010

* Person requirementsApplicants must :

- Have completed two full academic years or more at an accredited college or university.
- Be a citizen from a country where the primary language is English.
- Be fluent and proficient in the English language grammar and structure and be able to communicate fluently with clear and distinct pronunciation.

* Closing date 15/12/08

* How to apply

- Please visit to get more information and to download application forms.
- Send by post : send your application to "Education Centre, Korean Embassy, 60 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6AJ"
- In person: Contact Education Centre on 0207 227 5500 (Ext 639) or

※If you are more interested in teaching after-school classes in primary schools with Korean government scholarship(TaLK:Teach and Learn in Korea), please visit

- EPIK 원어민 영어보조교사 모집 -

◆ 지원 자격 : 영어를 모국어로 하는 국가 국민, 한국 교포는 중등학교 7학년부터 영국에서 다닌 자(10년 이상 체류)로서 학사학위 이상소지자

◆ 원서 마감 : 2008년 12월 15일지원서 : 에서 다운로드 받아 사용

◆ 고용등급 및 대우 : 1+등급(250-270만원), 1등급(230-250만원), 2+등급(210-230만원), 2등급(200-220만원), 3등급 (180-210만원), 주택제공, 입국․출국지원금, 근로소득세면제, 정착금, 국민건강보험료 및 국민연금 지원, 지방근무보전수당 지급, 퇴직금, 유급휴가, 병가, 특별휴가

※ 2009년부터 대학 2년 이상 이수 및 전문대학 졸업자도 지원할 수 있는 등급 신설 (4등급, 일부 희망 교육청 해당)
◆ 접수 및 면접 : The Education Centre(EPIK Office), Korean Embassy, 60 Buckingham gate, London SW1E 6AJ

◆ 구체적인 사항은 안내 참조 및 로 문의

영국 내 문의 : 0207 227 5500(ext 639),

Friday, 17 October 2008

Key Stage 3 국가시험 폐지

□ Key Stage 3 국가시험이란?

- 영국은 초중등학교를 Key Stage 1-4로 구분하고 있음
- 초등학교는 Key Stage 1(1-2학년), Key Stage 2(3-6학년)
- 중등학교는 Key Stage 3(7-9학년), Key Stage 4(10-11학년)
- Stage가 끝나는 시점에서 국가시험을 실시하고 있음

· KS 1 : 영어, 수학 (학교별로 실시)
· KS 2 : 영어, 수학
· KS 3 : 중등 3학년(9학년) 말 실시, 영어, 수학, 과학
· KS 4 : 중등 5학년(11학년) 실시, 전과목, GCSE 시험으로 불림

□ KS 3 시험 폐지 발표

- Ed Balls DCSF 장관은 KS3 국가시험을 폐지 예정이라고 10월 14일 발표
- 국가 시험을 치르는 대신 학교 교사에 의한 평가를 학년별로 실시하고 그 결과를 학부모에게 통보하도록 하겠다고 함
- KS 3 전체학생을 대상으로 하는 시험은 폐지하지만 일부 표집 평가는 실시할 전망
- KS 2 시험은 계속 실시됨. “학부모, 교사, 국민에게 모든 초등학교 학생의 학업진보 상황을 알게 하는데 꼭 필요함”(Ed Balls)

- "The final year of primary school is critical to prepare children for the step up to secondary school. Key Stage 2 tests are a robust, objective and consistent source of information for parents at a crucial transition point for their child, and a pupil’s performance at 11 in the core subjects reflects many years of learning at that school."

□ School Report Card(학교의 성적표) 도입 예정

- School Report Card를 통하여 학교 전체적인 학습진행 상황을 한 눈에 알 수 있도록 하는 방안을 검토하고 있음
- New York City의 학교성적표와 비슷한 Report Card : "매년 학교의 교육 성취도 및 기타 정보를 알려주며, 정해진 공식에 의거하여 학교의 등급이 매겨짐“
- Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Ofsted, Christine Gilbert, said:"Parents tell us they want greater clarity and better information about schools. These changes support that. They have the potential for providing a clearer and sharper view of school performance and progress. These proposals must be designed to support the acceleration of improvement and we will continue to work with the DCSF to ensure they work effectively with the new arrangements for school inspections."
- OFSTED의 학교평가보고서와 더불어 School Report Card를 통하여 학교에 대한 정보를 더 잘 알 수 있도록 할 것임“Sitting alongside Ofsted’s work, School Report Cards will be a new and simpler way for parents to choose and compare schools; and an easier way for them to understand how schools are raising standards, improving, and playing their role in supporting the wider development and wellbeing of children.” (Jim Knight, School Minister)

□ 기타 변경, 개혁 내용

- Ks 2 국가 시험은 계속 실시하지만 ‘single level test'로의 변경을 포함한 개선방안을 연구해 나갈 예정
- 모든 학교는 중등 1학년(year 7) 학습부진아의 일대일 지도 및 보충학습에 최대의 노력을 경주할 것임
- 중등 저학년에서의 학업진보 상황에 대한 계속적인 점검(tracking)과 보완지도를 통하여 모든 학생의 학업이 정상적으로 진행되도록 중점을 둘 것임
- 14세 KS3 국가시험은 폐지하지만 학교 자체적인 정규적인 시험(on going teacher assessment)은 계속실시 되며, 평가결과도 국가 및 지역교육청 수준에서 공개함
- KS3의 국가적인 표집평가를 통하여 14세 학생의 학업진전 상황을 점검할 예정

□ Expert Group의 권고 내용

● At Key Stage 1, examining whether the current system of requiring teachers to use nationally set tasks as part of moderated teacher assessment is working effectively;
● At Key Stage 2, what advice should be provided to schools to ensure that preparation for national curriculum tests at Key Stage 2 is proportionate and educationally appropriate;
● How assessment can support children in making the best possible progress over the transition between primary and secondary schools - particularly those who start Year 7 behind their peers;
● At Key Stage 3, how best to develop national-level sampling, taking into account experience in this country and abroad;
● At Key Stage 3, whether more can be done to ensure that every parent receives regular reports on their child’s progress in years 7, 8 and 9, and that teachers have the training and support to track progress rigorously;
● How best to ensure that this package of measures does not add unnecessarily to teachers’ workload.

□ 현행 초중등학교 시험 평가 제도 요약

● KS1 tasks and tests (year 2, age 7) were introduced in 1991. More flexible arrangements were introduced in 2005, enabling schools to administer the tests tasks with little or no pressure on pupils at any time of year: they are not time-limited tests taken under exam conditions. Reading, writing and maths tests and tasks are administered informally as part of normal classroom activity, at any time during the year, so that children may not know they are taking a test. They are marked by teachers, and so inform teachers’ overall assessments. The Department does not publish school-level KS1 performance data; KS1 teacher assessments are published at national and local authority level.
● KS2 tests (year 6, age 11) were introduced in 1995. Pupils take time-limited tests in English, maths and science under secure exam conditions during one week in May. The tests are externally marked. Results are reported at national and local level, and at school level in the Achievement and Attainment Tables. They are the principal performance measure for primary schools.
● KS3 tests (year 9, age 14) were introduced in 1993. Pupils take time limited tests in English, maths and science in May under secure exam conditions. The tests are externally set and marked. Results are published at national and local level, and at school level in the Achievement and Attainment Tables.
● Teacher assessment means ongoing assessment by teachers in the classroom. The Government is providing £150m funding over three years (to 2011) to help schools use ongoing assessment to drive up pupils’ progress. The ‘Assessment for Learning’ approach, which is proven to help children make faster progress, involves: gaining clear evidence about how to drive up an individual pupil’s attainment; an understanding between teachers and pupils on what they need to improve; and agreement on the steps needed to promote individual progress.

□ 출처 : DCSF 보도자료

대통령 초청 영어봉사 장학생 모집

○ 모집 인원 : 재외동포 및 외국인 대학(졸업)생 250명 내외

○ 활동 내용 : 4-6주의 오리엔테이션 후 6개월에서 1년 동안 1주 15시간 정도 초등학교 방과 후 영어교육 활동에 참여

○ 활동 기간 : 6개월 또는 1년
※ ‘09. 2월 ~ ’09. 7월 또는 ‘09. 2월 ~ ’10. 1월

○ 지원 자격 : 영어를 모국어로 사용하는 국가 국적자 (시민권자)로서, 현지 4년제 대학에서 2년 이상 과정을 수료한 재학생 및 졸업자 또는 전문대 졸업(예정)자 (구체적인 지원자격은 웹사이트 참조)

○ 장학혜택 : 항공권 제공, 숙소제공, 생활비 월 150만원, 한국문화체험 실시, 한국어학습 기회 제공, 활동 인증서 수여

○ 지원 기간 : 지원(접수) 기간 : ‘08. 10. 1(수) ~ 11. 28(금)

○ 시작 시기 ; 2009년 2월 중○ 제출서류 및 양식 : 웹사이트 참조

○ 프로그램과 지원에 관한 구체적인 내용은 및 주영한국교육원 웹사이트( 방문 참조

○ 문의 : 주영한국교육원 020-7227-5500 (Ext 639)


日時:10月25日土曜日 午前9時-午後6時場所:London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE (
参加大学:London School of Economics, Cambridge University, Imperial College, Oxford University, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Sussex University (Institute of Development Studies), University College London, Warwick University
OECD側参加者:宮迫純(OECD事務局人事部戦略計画及び評価課課長)、 Niki Ruggeri(OECD事務局人事部多様化推進採用職員)詳細: 




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The Canterbury CampusKnight Avenue, Canterbury,
Kent CT2 8QA

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米国へ渡航される方へ : 電子渡航認証システム(ESTA)に関する追加情報


1. ESTA申請に当たっての入力項目に、必須項目と任意項目を設けた。同必須項目には赤い印がついている。任意項目(例えば米国での住所や便名等)は、情報が更新されていなくても、ペナルティが課されることはない。

2. ESTAはリアルタイムのシステムであるから、出発前72時間以内であっても申請自体は可能であるが、米国政府としては72時間前までの申請を「推奨」しているものである。

3. カナダやメキシコに住む日本人が陸路で米国に入国する場合、認証の取得は必要ない。ESTAは航空機又は船舶の利用者を対象としているからである(ただし、帰路に航空機を利用するのであれば、認証が必要となる。)。

4. グアムは、グアム査証免除プログラムという特別のプログラムが適用されるので、渡航にあたってESTAに申請し、認証を受ける必要はない。もっとも、例外はグアムだけであり、ハワイ、サイパンへ渡航する場合は、認証を受ける必要がある。
5. でも、その有効期限は認証を受けた日から2年間となる。





재외공관 전자여권 발급시행 (2008.11.24)

외교통상부는 2008.6.29 여권법령 개정에 따라 금년 3.31부터 외교관․관용 여권을 대상으로 전자여권을 시범 발급하고, 8.25부터 일반여권으로 확대 시행하고 있습니다.
주영국대사관을 포함하여 재외공관에서도 아래와 같이 전자여권 발급이 시행될 예정이오니, 여권발급 신청시 참고하시기 바랍니다.

1. 전자여권 시행시기 (접수기준) : 2008년 11월 24일 (월)
ㅇ 대사관에 접수된 시점을 기준으로 2008.11.24 이전에 접수된 여권신청은 현행 절차에 따라 기존 여권으로 처리되고, 11.24 당일부터는 전자여권으로 처리됩니다.

2. 전자여권이 도입되면 민원인 본인이 공관을 직접 방문하여 신청하셔야 합니다. 이러한 불편을 최소화하는 방안으로 전자여권 시행일전에 현행 방식에 따라 여권을 신청하시거나, 대사관을 직접 방문하시는 경우에는 전자여권 가접수를 신청하실 수 있습니다.
가. 현행 여권 신청 절차 활용
ㅇ 전자여권 시행일전에 현행 여권 신청절차(대리 및 우편신청)에 따라 기존 여권을 신청하실 수 있습니다.
나. 전자여권 가접수 허용
ㅇ 전자여권 발급 시행일전에 구비서류를 갖춘 민원인 본인이 공관을 방문하여 전자여권 발급신청을 희망하는 경우, 대사관에서 가접수하여 전자여권 시행일까지 보관후 11.24자로 일괄 신청 처리됩니다.
- 반드시 전자여권신청서식 사용

3. 기존 여권의 사용여부전자여권이 도입되어도 기존의 사진부착식, 사진전사식 여권은 제약없이 유효기간까지 사용하실 수 있습니다.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

4482: Exhibition of Emerging Korean Artists in London

Date: 16 - 19 October 2008, 10 AM - 6PM
Venue: Bargehouse, OXO Tower Wharf, Bargehouse Street, London, SE1 9PH

The title of this exhibition was created when a group of Korean students working in New Malden, south of London, hosted an exhibition in their studios two years ago; it sounds like a complicated code, but turns out to be simply a combination of the UK's national telephone code,44, and that of South Korea, 82. However, despite its simplicity, I believe it sums up the theme of the exhibition very well, as it stems from the feelings of anxiety, strangess or tension that the forty participating artists experienced when they had to dial a long and unfamiliar telephone number to call home when they first arrived in the UK.

In order to understand the works in this exhibition, it would be essential to know about the generation that most of these artists belong to; they are in their late twenties and thirties, the so-called 'Generation 2030' in Korea. Unlike the previous generation, which experienced the social and political upheaval at the heart of the division of the country and the movement towards democracy, the 2030 generation has grown up benefiting from the country's economic growth and development of high technology. But they are not just beneficiaries, because they have also had to face huge competition after the phase of restructuring enforced by the IMF in its efforts to bail out the Korean economy during the Asian financial crisis.

Most importantly of all, they were educated in an environment that offered a diversity of ideologies, giving a wider vision of the world, and these advantages have become a driving force, and added to the confidence of this generation. The slogan they are most familiar with is 'Globalisation' ;having been influenced by this development, they are interested in the different issues and problems around the world, and many of Korea's young people go abroad to challenge the new environment, and to experience a new way of life in a different culture.

They say that a journey to the unknown world leads to an awareness of oneself. Since arriving in the UK, the artists in this exhibition have thought about and considered their identities by reflecting themselves to the British society that they discovered and observed with their fresh vision. Many of them experienced feelings of strangeness, alienation or tension before adapting to British society as strangers; also, as outsiders, they sometimes discovered certain phenomena in British society that insiders might not notice; that is one reason why this exhibition would provide an exchange of views and interesting conversation for both the Korean and British people.
The exhibition will offer a variety of artistic expressions through different media that 40 artists will suggest-painting, sculpture, video, installation and performance. Moreover, this exhibition will ultimately take the vision of the artists of the young generation of Korea to predict the future of the contemporary Korean art scene in the international context. Thus the audience will benefit from a very interesting visual engagement, and from discovering some very innovative, intriguing or beautiful conversations in the language of visual art. In addition, I hope that the exhibition will provide a platform for these artists to develop themselves further in the wider artistic territory

Written by Sunhee Choi (

Blight and Hope: Poverty Seen Through the Lens 파괴, 그리고 희망: 사진작가가 본 빈곤’展

ο 일시: 2008.10.21 - 11.4
ο 장소: 주영한국문화원 Korean Cultural Centre UK
Ground Floor, Grand Buildings, 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5BW
ο 주최: 대한민국 외교통상부
ο 주관: 한국국제교류재단
ο 협찬 및 후원: UNDP, 문화체육관광부, 영국문화원 (British Council), 유니세프한국위원회, 월간 포토넷, 지구촌빈곤퇴치시민네트워크, 한국국제협력단, 한국사진기자회, 한국사진학회, 네이버
ο 참여작가:
- 한국 작가: 주명덕, 성남훈, 박종우, 강제욱, 조세현, 오상택 등 6명
- 외국 작가: 싸이먼 노포크, 폴라 브론스테인, 아그네스 더비, 마커스 블리스데일, 피터 비아로브체스키, 야오루, 크리스토퍼 라마르카, 하이디 브래드너, 앤드류 테스타, 스테파니 쿠켄달 등 10명

주영한국대사관 문화원(원장: 최규학)은 10월 21일부터 11월 4일간 다양한 각도에서 세계의 빈곤 문제를 다루고 있는 국제 사진전 ‘파괴, 그리고 희망: 사진작가가 본 빈곤’展을 개최한다.
대한민국 외교통상부 주최, 한국국제교류재단이 주관하고 UNDP, 영국문화원(British Council), 문화체육관광부, 한국국제협력단이 후원하는 이번 전시회는 사진이라는 예술 매체와 빈곤이라는 범세계적 관심사(global issue)의 조화로운 결합, 그리고 이를 통한 효과적인 소통을 추구한다.
미국, 영국, 독일, 노르웨이, 중국, 한국, 태국 등에서 활동하고 있는 16명의 저명 사진작가들이 참여하였고, 이들은 렌즈를 통해서 빈곤의 자취를 가감 없이 드러내면서 때로는 과학자처럼 냉철한 시선으로, 때로는 깊은 감정을 담아 빈곤에 따르는 빛과 그늘을 섬세하게 조명한다.
빈곤은 순수한 물질적 결핍뿐 아니라 전쟁‧질병‧환경 악화‧특정 집단의 소외 및 희생 등 오늘날 인류가 직면하고 있는 모든 불행과 결부되어 있다. 그러나 이러한 빈곤의 파괴성에 저항하여 실천에 나서면서, 그리고 이상적인 세계를 꿈꾸면서 우리는 희망을 찾게 된다.
8년 전 국제사회는 새천년개발목표(MDGs)를 수립하면서 절대 빈곤과 기아의 퇴치에 더욱 박차를 가하기로 약속하였고, 올해는 그 약속이 어느 정도까지 지켜졌는지를 돌이켜보는 중간 지점에 해당한다. 문화예술인, 정부 관계자, 학자 등 다양한 참여자로 구성된 글로벌 파트너십의 산물인 이 전시회가, 빈곤 문제에 대한 인식의 지평을 확대하는 한편 국제사회의 약속 달성에 조금이나마 보탬이 되기를 희망한다.

□ 관계자 논평
ο 유명환, 대한민국 외교통상부 장관
“빈곤은 우리의 목숨과 안보를 위협하고, 공동체를 파괴하며, 문화와 전통, 자유와
인간의 존엄성을 저해한다. 세계 여러 나라 출신의 사진작가 16명이 이 전시회에
참가하여, 빈곤의 파괴성을 드러내는 동시에 희망찬 비전 또한 제시하고 있다.”
ο 케말 데르비슈, UNDP 사무총재
“이 전시회에 포함된 한국 및 외국 출신 사진작가들의 작품을 보면서, 우리는 모든
통계 뒤에는 아이, 어머니, 아버지와 같은 삶의 모습이 들어있음을 깨닫게 된다. 이
작가들은 세계에서 가장 불리한 상황에 놓여있는 이들이 매일 직면하고 있는 도전
과 염원을 생생하게 제시하고 있다.”

□ 부대 행사
ο 전시 특별 포럼
- 일시: 2008.10.22(수), 18:30- 20:00
- 주제: 포토저널리스트가 담는 글로벌 이슈의 의미
- 진행: 콜린 자콥슨 교수 (현 웨스트민스터 대학 포토저널리즘과, 전 선데이 타
임즈, 옵저버 매거진 편집장)
- 패널: 하이디 브래드너 (참여 사진작가), 존 리바이(8 Magazine 편집장) 등 포
토 저널리스트

Restaurant Tour #3: New Seoul Korean Restaurant

Having been recommended to me there I was on Monday the 13th October 2008 looking at the frontage of a restaurant which reminded me of a café type venue selling breakfasts, lunches etc. So in I went feeling a bit dubious about the whole thing as I enjoy a good meal but not anything that is uninspiring or boring.

It is called “NEW SEOUL KOREAN RESTAURANT” at 164 Clerkenwell Road, London, EC1R 5DU
Telephone number: 020 7278 8674
Monday –Friday 12 Noon to 3 PM 6 PM to 1030 PM
Saturday 6 PM to 1030 PM
Sunday Closed

Buses 55 and 243 stop almost outside and it is walking distance from Chancery Lane and Farringdon Street tube stations.

The lights were just low enough with gold/yellow lampshades creating a welcoming atmosphere. It was really quite cosy. The table was set. I was hungry and the food began to arrive.

Three traditional side dishes appeared on a plate.
Shikumchinamul-Spinach Korean style
Cheanamul -Sweet & Sour Radish
Sookjunamul- Bean Sprouts Korean style

Another traditional side dish followed.
Kimchi -Traditional Korean pickled cabbage-a particular favourite of mine

Main dishes then made their appearance.

Muk-which is chestnut starch, white in colour, with the consistency of a firm jelly-quite bland but it accentuates the flavours of other dishes.

Pajeon-crispy spring onion pancake
Goonmandoo-Fried pork dumplings
Deep fried chicken in sweet garlic sauce
Tempura-vegetables and prawns fried in batter
Fresh baby octopus, pork and vegetables in chilli sauce
Crispy chicken balls in sweet and spicy sauce
Egg fried rice

Now having described both the side and main dishes let me tell you the ones I enjoyed the most.
Kimchi and Pajeon are musts for me in any Korean restaurant and I wasn’t disappointed with either of them.
The flavours of the crispy chicken balls and the Goonmandoo were rather nice.

The fresh baby octopus, pork and vegetables were most enjoyable.

Last but not least accompanying the coffee was Nokcha –Green tea ice cream which is made on the premises. This was without doubt my absolute favourite- deliciously creamy with a wonderful flavour. It’s worth coming to the “New Seoul” for the ice cream alone.

I was very surprised to discover that the clientele is almost completely made up of non Koreans. In fact, there were Japanese, European, New Zealanders and British diners present during my meal. It would appear that this restaurant has captured the imagination of people in the area who enjoy Korean cuisine not only at lunchtime but also during the evenings.

I felt the quality of the food, the prices and the pleasant atmosphere all played their parts to make this an enjoyable dining experience.

Exhibition on Global Poverty "Blight and Hope: Poverty Seen Through the Lens"

O Venue: Korean Cultural Centre UK, Ground Floor, Grand Buildings, 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5BW
O Exhibition Dates: 21 October 2008 - 4 November 2008
O Participating Artists: Peter Bialobrzeski, Marcus Bleasdale, Heidi Bradner, Paula Bronstein, Seihon Cho, Agnes Dherbeys, Myung Duck Joo, Jea-Uk Kang, Stephanie Kuykendal, Christopher LaMarca, Yao Lu, Simon Norfolk, Sang Taek Oh, Jong-Woo Park, Nam-Hun Sung, Andrew Testa

An international photography exhibition on the topic of global poverty will be held at the Korean Cultural Centre UK, from 21 October to 4 November 2008, under the title of "Blight and Hope: Poverty Seen Through the Lens," hosted by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and organized by the Korea Foundation. The exhibition is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the British Council, the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), and a broad spectrum of other organizations spanning both the private and public sectors.

The exhibition is a powerful mix of photography that aims to carry a strong message on poverty to a wider audience. The exhibition showcases contributions from sixteen prominent photographers from countries such as China, Germany, Korea, Norway, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The artists focus on the subject in many different ways - sometimes with a scientific and methodological mind, other times with raw emotions, ruthlessly exposing poverty'smany faces.

Poverty is both a cause and result of war, disease, environmental degradation, alienation and victimization, and many other afflictions faced by humankind. Nevertheless, we can discover hope by acting decisively against poverty and envisioning an ideal world.

The international community made a concerted commitment to promote global efforts to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger eight years ago, when it came up with the Millenium Development Goals(MDGs). 2008 marks the mid-point at which we must determine how far we are from these Goals. We hope that the exhibit, the brainchild of a global partnership between artists, policymakers, academics, and many other stakeholders, will generate deeper awareness of poverty and constitute a small step in the efforts to reach the Goals.

"Poverty threatens our security and even our lives, destroys communities, and undermines cultures and traditions, freedom and human dignity. Sixteen photographers from all over the world expose the cruel faces of poverty while at the same time presenting a vision of hope."
: Yu Myung-hwan, the Mister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

"This exhibition comes at a time when all our collective efforts are needed to achieve the MDGs. Exhibitions like this one allow us all to connect on a human level to the people behind the MDGs, and remind us of the importance of keeping our promises to them."
: Kemal Derviş, the UNDP Administrator

London Korean Film Festival 2008

Thursday 6 to Wednesday 12 November Cinema Hotline: 0845 120 7527

An unmissable selection of the best of Korean Cinema both past and present, the London Korean Film Festival,returns to the Barbican this November from Thursday 6 to Wednesday 12.
Highlights this year include a special preview of Cannes 2008 hit The Good, the Bad and the Weird and an a exclusive ScreenTalk with director Kim Ji-woon; a timely retrospective of the work of acclaimed director Lee Chang-dong (Secret Sunshine, Peppermint Candy, Oasis, Green Fish); rare screenings of breathtaking classics from the Korean Film Archive UK premieres of brand new Korean feature films and a day of Korean Animation for all ages.
The London Korean Film Festival is presented in partnership with the Korean Cultural Centre and the Korea Culture and Content Agency (KOCCA).

Thursday 6 November
7.00pm - OPENING GALA SPECIAL PREVIEW: The Good, The Bad, The Weird (Joheunnom nabbeunnom isanghannom) (15) (S. Korea 2008 Dir. Kim Ji-woon 120min) introduced by special guest Kim Ji-woon
Kim Ji-woon'swildly spectacular Kimchi Western is a mind blowing mash-up of influences, fusing Sergio Leone with Kurosawa, via Korea's own brand of frantic shoot 'em up action and frenetic comedy. Peppered with eye-popping set pieces and phenomenal stunts, the plot tracks three very different outlawson the hunt for a lost treasure map in 1930's Japanese controlled Manchuria. Starring Jeong Woo-seong, Lee Byeong-heon and Song Kang-ho as the titular anti-heroes, this genre-bending extravaganza was two years in the making but well worth the wait. Korean, Mandarin, and Japanese with English Subtitles.

Friday 7 November
7.00pm - SPECIAL EVENT: The Good, The Bad, The Weird (Joheunnom nabbeunnom isanghannom) (15) (S. Korea 2008 Dir. Kim Ji-woon 120min) plus Barbican ScreenTalk with director Kim Jee-woon interviewed by Tony Rayns
A special screening of Kim Jee-woon's new film The Good, The Bad, The Weird will be followed by a live interview with the renowned director of A Bittersweet Life (2005) and A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) discussing his work with critic and film expert Tony Rayns.


Saturday 9 November
8.45pm - Forever The Moment (Uri saengae choego-ui sungan) (S. Korea 2008 Dir. Yim Soonrye 124min) UK PREMIERE
Based on the true story of Korea's 2004 women's Olympic hand-ball team and their moment in the spotlight in Athens, Forever…'s focus is as much on the private affairs of the players as their on court antics, exploring the bittersweet relationship between personal and professional lives, as the women struggle to maintain their families whilst upholding their country's Olympic dreams. Sensitively handled, beautifully realised and ultimately very moving, this is a sports movie quite unlike any other.

Tuesday 11 November
6.30pm - Milky Way Liberation Front (S. Korea 2007 Dir. Yoon Seong-ho 101min)
Troubled director Yeong-Jae played to Woody Allen-esque perfection by star Lim Ji-gyu is trying to get his first film off the ground, whilst negotiating complicated matters of the heart and dealing with myriad comic setbacks, both real and fantastical. This breakthrough indy delight from first time director Yoon joins a new generation of industry introspective film, descended from US satires The Player and Living in Oblivion but with oodles more heart.

Tuesday 11 Nov
8.45pm - Seven Days (Se-beun De-i-jeu) (S. Korea 2007 Dir. Won Shin-yeon 125min)
Top lawyer Ji-yeon has just seven days to free a prisoner convicted of a brutal murder, or her young daughter will die. Desperately searching for her kidnapped child amongst Seoul's dark alleys and dilapidated tenements, Ji-yeon finds herself caught in a deadly conspiracy that stretches from Korea's savage underworld all the way to City Hall. Starring 'Lost' favourite Kim Yun-jin, Won's sophisticated thriller keeps the adrenaline pumping from start to finish.

Wednesday 12 November
6.00pm - May 18 (Hwaryeohan hyuga) (15*) (S. Korea 2007 Dir Kim Ji-hun 120 min) UK PREMIERE
Based on the horrific events surrounding the 1980 Gwangju massacre, where soldiers operating under the orders of then President Chun Doo-hwan slaughtered students andcivilians in their search for 'rebel' factions, May 18 was an instant hit in South Korea. An all-star cast includes veteran actor Ahn Sung-ki and Lee Jun-ki (The King and The Clown).

Wednesday 12 November
8.30pm - Public Enemy Returns (15) (S. Korea 2008 Dir. Kang Woo-seok 125 min)
This third instalment in Kang Woo-seok's internationally successful series has become one of the biggest hits in Korea this year. Expect plenty of Woo's trademark wham-bam action as screen legend Sol Kyeong-gu returns as cop Kang Chul-joong, this time taking on high-level corruption in the form of a super-successful business man. Will Kang get his man this time?


Saturday 9 November
A special focus on the best of Korean animation for both children and adults.
Family Film Club 10.30am - Workshop / 11.00am - The Pumpkin Family & Friends (U) (S. Korea 2007/08 total running time 60 min)
Especially for young animation enthusiasts, this collection of Korean creations won't disappoint. Meet the whacky Pumpkin Family and their ghostly ancestors, join cute Chiro chicken and his friends on their mini-adventures and see Korean superstar penguin Pororo in action!
Themed workshop from 10.30am (free to FFC ticket holders) and Photo Zone, where attendees can pose with a Korean Animation character! Recommended 2-8 years

12:30pm - Korea KO (12) (S. Korea 2007/8 total running time 72 min)
A bravura triple-bill of knock-out Korean animation. A stunning and stylish trio for older animation fans, including amagical tale inspired by a real life environmental catastrophe in Korea and the fantastical story of an invincible sword wielding martial-arts master, who learns the true meaning of friendship when he is re-incarnated as a drinks dispenser. Featuring Wanted, Love is Protein and A Coffee Vending Machine and it's Sword.

2.15pm - Aachi & Ssipak (15*) (S. Korea 2006 Dir. Joe Bum-Jin 90 min)
Described as "Akira meets Tarantino", Joe Bum-Jin's frankly bizarre film wins the award for craziest plot hands down. In Shit City, where all energy is generated byits resident's sewage, the government rewards each bowel emission with a JuicyBar. Unfortunately, these potentarecracked-outwill do just about anything to getnextfix... Hilarious, edgy and deliberately off-colour, this is animated anarchy at its best.


Monday 10 November
Two of Korea's film archive gems, rarely seen in the UK.
6.30pm - The Housemaid (15*) (S. Korea 1960 Dir. Kim Ki-young 90 min)
Seen as one of the greatest Korean films ever made and directed by one of Korea's finest directors, this is the poignant story of a family broken apart when the father sleeps with the housemaid. Imbued with endless depth and meaning, this is a must see for all those interested in Korean cinema.

8.30pm - The Aimless Bullet (Obalton) (15) (S. Korea 1960 Dir. Yoo Hyun-mok 110 min)
Influenced by Visconti and Kazan, Yoo's timeless classic encompasses his cinematic manifesto, dealing with issues of poverty, injustice and apathy, through protagonist Sol Chul Ho (Kim Jin-kyu), struggling to support his pregnant wife, two children, lonely sister and mentally unstable mother.

Born on April 1 1954 in Daegu, South Korea, Lee spent much of early life writing and directing plays and became well known in literature circles following his critically acclaimed first novel Chonri in 1983.

In the early 90s he turned to the film industry, co-writing scripts for Park Kwang-su ontwo of his most remarkable films, To The Starry Island (1993) and A Single Spark (1995), then launched on to the directors' circuit with Green Fish in 1997. In 2003 Lee served President Roh as the Minister of Culture and Tourism and then, after a short-break, returned to filmmaking with Cannes hit Secret Sunshine.

Saturday 8 November
3.00pm - Peppermint Candy (18) (S. Korea 1999 Dir. Lee Chang-dong 129 min) -
Lee reflects on South Korea's turbulent political history, through the eyes of man who has just committed suicide and a reversed narrative that allows the viewer to determine what drove the man to take his own life. Crowned by a pitch-perfect performance from star Sol Kyung-gu, Lee's third film is recognised as a masterpiece by critics and academics alike, and is a landmark film in contemporary Korean cinema.

Saturday 8 November
6.00pm - Oasis (18) (S. Korea 2002 Dir. Lee Chang-dong 132min)
Combining fantasy with stark realism, Lee's magnificent film is both beautiful and tragic as it explores the thorny issue of how people with disabilities are marginalised. Stars Sol Kyung-gu and Moon So-ri give their finest performances as the mentally ill ex-con Jong-do (Sol) who falls for a young women suffering from cerebral palsy (Moon), would-be lovers who are sidelined by society.

Sunday 9 November
5.00pm - Green Fish (15) (S. Korea 1997 Dir. Lee Chang Dong 114min)
When Mak-dong returns to his hometown of Ilsan after two and a half years of military service, he finds that it has been transformed into a satellite town. Struggling to adjust and desperate to find work, he unwittingly becomes trapped in a dangerous war between rival underworld gangs. In his directorial debut, Lee wastes no time in challenging the conventions of genre verisimilitude - Whilst GreenFish could play like a dark gangster film, Lee instead pursues the traits of realism that often characterise Korean cinema.

Sunday 9 November
7.15pm - Secret Sunshine (Milyang) (15) (S. Korea 2007 Dir. Lee Chang-dong 142 min) + introduction by Tony Rayns
A Cannes best actress gong went to star Jeon Do-yeon for her magnificent performance as Sin-ae, a recently widowed woman attempting to start a new life in Milyang (Secret Sunshine) with her young son. Tackling human suffering head on, Lee's refusal to conform to traditional cinematic pleasures ensures his most recent film is both thought-provoking and admirable. Song Kang-ho co-stars. Film critic and Korean Cinema expert Tony Rayns will introduce this special screening of Lee Chang-dong's latest film, giving us a significant insight into the life and work of the great modern director.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

런던 한복판에서 열리는 한국 젊은 작가 40인의 그룹전

10월 15일부터 19일까지 한국 젊은 작가 40인의 그룹전이 런던 시내 중심 옥소 타워 바지 하우스의 4층짜리 건물에서 개최된다고 THE EAST 에 전해왔습니다. 전시에 참여하는 40명의 작가들은 골드 스미스와 첼시 컬리지를 비롯, 런던의 미대에서 석사 학위를 마치거나 이미 활동을 하고 있는 작가들이며 이중에는 한국에서 오랜 세월 작가 활동을 하다가 유학을 통해 작품 세계를 넓히고 있는 작가들도 다수 포함되어 있다고 합니다. 전시의 제목은 영국의 국제 전화 번호 44와 한국의 국제 전화 번호 82를 조합한 ‘4482’입니다. 이 제목이 시사하듯, 이 전시를 통해 대부분이 2030 세대인 참여 작가들은 한국을 떠나 영국이라는 낯선 장소에서 자신들이 경험하고 느낀 문화적 간극을 회화와 사진, 영상, 퍼포먼스 등 다채로운 시각적 언어를 통해 보여주게 됩니다. 따라서 이 전시의 근간에는 문화에 대한 이슈, 소통과 교감에 대한 이슈, 그리고 정체성과 자아에 관한 이슈들이 있습니다. 영국이라는 새로운 세계를 대하는 이들의 시선은 새로움을 발견해나가는 어린아이들의 시선처럼 신선하기도 하지만, 정작 그 안에 살고 있는 사람들은 간과해버리는 여러 현상들을 진지한 시선으로 잡아내기도 합니다. 그러하기에 이들의 작품은 한국인이나 영국인 모두에게 흥미로운 담론들을 제시할것이라 할수 있습니다. 그동안 런던의 남쪽 뉴몰든의 스튜디오에서 작가들에 의해 진행되었던 이 전시는 올해에는 독립 기획자 최선희씨가 기획을 맡으면서 그 규모가 한층 커졌습니다. 최선희씨는 “나는 이 전시를 통해서 한국의 젊은 세대를 대표하는 이들이 자신들의 자유로운 사고를 회화뿐 아니라 사진, 비디오, 설치 등 다양한 표현 방식으로 보여주는 것에 중점을 두었다. 따라서 전시를 찾는 관람객들은 보다 다채로운 작품들을 발견하는 혜택을 누리게 될 것이다. 아울러 이 전시가 글로벌리즘의 파도 속에 자라난 이 젊은 세대 작가들이 전 세계를 무대로 활동할 수 있는 계기를 제공해주는 플랫폼이 되길 바란다” 라고 밝혔습니다

Date: 16 - 19 October 2008, 10 AM - 6PMVenue: Bargehouse, OXO Tower Wharf, Bargehouse Street, London, SE1 9PH
Contact: (Sunhee Choi)
협찬: 한국 문예 진흥원, 런던 소재 DM tech, GSM운송사

사단법인 특공 무술 연합회, 뉴몰던 킹스톤 로드에 개관해

사단법인 특공 무술연합회가 Hounslow 에 이어 지난 20일에 뉴몰던 Kingston Road 에 개관을해 많은 지역 주민들의 관심을 끌고 있다는 소식입니다.특공 무술의 탄생 배경은.... “사회의 격동기였던 70년대말 국가안보의 중요성이 인식되고 북한의 격술이 우리에게 그 모습을 점차 드러내게 되자 강력한 국방 무술의 필요성이 대두되었다.....경호실 및 군 관계당국은 한국적 상황에 맞고 전쟁터에서도 쉽게 응용할 수 있는 타격기와 유술기, 무기술, 집체술을 모두 단기간에 익힐 수 있는 특수한 무술이 필요하다는 사실을 깨닫게 되자 기존의 국방체육의 일환인 태권도만으로는 한계를 느끼게 되었고 그에 따라 사회의 민간무예에 관심을 갖고 특수한 무술을 물색하게 되었다”....라고 협회는 밝혔습니다.오늘날 우리나라의 국방무술의 실체가 되는 이 ‘특공무술’은 군경의 특수적인 임무수행을 위하여 5공수여단에 최초로 보급되어짐으로서 특공무술이라는 명칭이 사용되어졌고, 육군참모총장의 승인 후 특공무술은 군의 정규과목으로 선정되어 1981년 처음으로 전군에 보급되어져 군인들의 체력 향상과 정신수양은 물론 특수임무 수행에 일조를 하고 있으며 국방은 물론 경찰의 치안과 일반 경호에도 그 우수성이 입증되어 특공 무술이 일반화되어 가고 있다고 협회는 전하고 있습니다.또한 협회는, ‘이러한 정황으로 볼 때 특공무술이라 함은 자신은 물론 타인과 나아가 국가를 보위하는 국방호국무술이라 할 수 있다’ 라고 밝히며, ‘어떠한 시대적 상황에서도 그 시대가 요구하는 최고의 무술로서 인정받을 수 있으려면 다른 무술들의 장점을 겸허히 받아드려 특공무술化하여야 하기에 이러한 특공무술의 개념은 “모든 것을 다루며 수용하여 새롭게 창출하는 무술”이라 할 수 있다는 것과 일맥상통 한다고 협회는 전했습니다. 그동안 시대 흐름에 따라 강력한 국방무술로 이어 내려오던 특공무술이 청와대 및 특전사에 최초로 특공무술을 보급시켰던 국제특공무술연합회 임원들에 의해 장점은 그대로 유지하고 미비한 점을 더욱더 보안하여 ‘모든 것을 다루고 수용하여 새롭게 창출한다’라는 이념을 살려 전통방식의 여러 검술과 함께 기존의 기공 수련법을 초월한 내공법을 비롯하여 여러 술기를 접목해 절충하므로서 더욱 독특한 차세대의 특공무술 술기를 개발 정립하였다고합니다. 새로운 기법으로는, 12지 걸음세(스텝,보법), 흐름을 이용한 체계적인 형, 꺽기/던지기/치기/차기를 실전에 맞도록 정립된 실전호신술이 있으며, 무기술로는 국내외에서 특공무술 연합회만이 사용하는 반태술(끈달린48cm봉), 투검(비도술), 표창, 부월술(도끼), 파동검, 칠지검 등 기타 병장기를 수련하고‘내공이란 바로 이런 것이다’를 확실히 느낄 수 있는 내공수련법인 무의단공을 지도하므로서 일반 성인, 학생, 어린이에 이르기까지 국민 누구나 수련 지도 할 수 있도록 정립하였다고 합니다.

Address: 240 Kingston Road, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3NL
Tel: 020 8569 9971 / 07988 484 941





The East News